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Why jaggery tea is a great remedy for cold and cough

It is a common sight to witness people indulging in jaggery post meals, aiding in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

With the arrival of each season, our dietary preferences undergo a shift. Alongside the inclusion of green vegetables, soups, eggs, panjiri, and delectable sesame gum laddus, jaggery becomes a favoured choice during colder months. It is a common sight to witness people indulging in jaggery post meals, aiding in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Jaggery boasts properties such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium, offering diverse health advantages. This might explain the widespread use of jaggery as a sweetener, particularly during the winter season, with some opting to replace sugar in their tea with this natural sweetener.

Is Jaggery Tea Effective for Cold and Cough?

As previously mentioned, the presence of magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and various minerals in jaggery contributes to its overall health benefits. The warming effect of jaggery makes it a popular substitute for sugar in winter sweet dishes. Jaggery tea stands out as an excellent choice for enhancing immunity and addressing digestive issues. For those inclined towards weight management, the nutrient-rich composition of jaggery tea is known to assist in reducing excess calories.

Making Jaggery Tea: Two Approaches

Jaggery tea can be prepared in two ways. Some prefer boiling jaggery in water, enhancing its flavour with ingredients like ginger, basil, and black pepper. Others opt for a version with milk, though curdling can be a common issue. To address this, follow these tips:

Tips for Making Jaggery Tea with Milk:

  • Boil water first when making jaggery tea.
  • Add ginger, cardamom, and jaggery, and let it cook.
  • Introduce tea leaves and boil thoroughly.
  • Avoid adding cold milk; use hot-boiled milk only.
  • Turn off the heat as soon as the mixture boils after adding milk.
  • Do not over-boil the jaggery tea.
  • Filter and enjoy your piping hot, flavorful tea.
  • With these insights into both methods of crafting delightful jaggery tea, savour the warmth and health benefits it brings during the winter season.